
6月3 - 7 & 2024年6月10日至14日

明尼苏达州 状态 Community and Technical College - 学习, MN
  • 夏令营的费用是200美元.  在我们收到您的申请和付款后, you will be notified via email with further instructions.
  • 赫尔迪纳的入学人数有限.
  • Applicants must be 15 years of 年龄 之前 the Camp begins.
  • 从8点开始.m. - 4:30 p.m. 营地的每一天, 您将在住宅和商业建筑行业的各种专业职业中获得实践经验和课堂教学.
1802 32nd 法戈大街58103号
701.232.5846 – kristam@hbafm.com

请回答 the following, continuing on to the next three p年龄s, to complete your application:

在我完成营地之后, I am interested in the possibility of employment in the construction trades field.
The 赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 信条, 年龄, 性, 国家的起源, 基因检测信息, 祖先, 婚姻状况, 怀孕, 残疾, 军人或退伍军人身份, 情感或性取向, 关于公共援助的状况, 参与合法行为或受联邦州或地方法律保护的任何其他特征.

如果学生年满18岁, 请阅读并签署以下声明:我同意参加今年夏天在穆尔黑德明尼苏达州社区技术学院举行的赫尔迪纳建筑行业夏令营. I am familiar with the expectations and requirements of the Camp. 我承认参加该营, 即使在良好的监督和管理下, 有可能对我造成身体伤害, 我同意承担所有风险. 本人明白报名参加营区的人士将会参与与建筑有关的活动,本人同意参加此计划. I certify that I have no medical or other conditions, 我不知道有任何其他我没有透露的事实(包括使用任何药物)会影响我安全参加营地的能力. 我同意举办夏令营, the Fargo-学习住宅建筑商协会, 首页 Builders Care of Fargo-学习 Foundation, 明尼苏达州 状态 Community and Technical College, 北达科他州立科学学院, the 赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营 advisory committee and their 年龄nts, 董事, 军官, 员工, 保险公司, 志愿者, 以及代表其或代表该程序行事的任何其他人(“被释放方”)均为无害的,并在此免除和解除被释放方的任何索赔, 要求, 受伤, 疾病, 损害赔偿, 由于被释放方的一般疏忽而导致的与我参加夏令营有关的诉讼原因和法律责任, including but not limited to failure to ascertain the condition of the premises or equipment, 未能维护, 检查或修理房屋或设备,或未就房屋或设备已知或未知的危险情况发出警告. This includes liability for any and all medical, 事故, or other expenses which I may incur during participation in the Camp. 我证明我有健康保险或其他保险来支付我可能产生的任何和所有医疗费用,并对我的保险未包括的所有费用承担全部责任. I acknowledge that health, 事故 or other insurance is my sole responsibility. 我承认所有的事故都是报告的,如果在教室或实验室发生事故或疾病, an ambulance may be called to transport me to a local emergency room. 所有营地教室或实验室都配备了急救包,用于治疗轻伤. 我也允许赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营以任何形式使用我的照片来宣传营地.

如果学生未满18岁, a parent or guardian must read and sign the following statement: I, as the parent (or guardian) to the student named above, 允许我的孩子参加位于穆尔黑德的明尼苏达州社区技术学院的赫尔迪纳建筑行业夏令营. I have discussed the expectations and requirements of the Camp with my child. 我知道我的孩子将参加与建筑相关的活动,我同意我的孩子参加这个项目. I certify that my child has no medical or other conditions, 我不知道有任何其他我没有透露的事实(包括使用任何药物)会影响我的孩子安全参加营地的能力. I agree for myself and on behalf of my child to hold the 赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营, the Fargo-学习住宅建筑商协会, 首页 Builders Care of Fargo-学习 Foundation, 明尼苏达州 状态 Community and Technical College, 北达科他州立科学学院, the 赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营 advisory committee and their 年龄nts, 董事, 军官, 员工, 保险公司, 和任何志愿者以及代表他们或代表项目行事的任何其他人(“被释放方”)均为无害的,并在此免除和解除被释放方的任何索赔, 要求, 受伤, 疾病, 损害赔偿, 由于被释放方的一般疏忽而导致的与我参加夏令营有关的诉讼原因和法律责任, including but not limited to failure to ascertain the condition of the premises or equipment, 未能维护, 检查, 或修理房屋或设备,或未对房屋或设备上已知或未知的危险情况进行警告. This includes liability for any and all medical, 事故, or other expenses which my minor child may incur during his or her participation in the Camp. 我特此证明,我的孩子有健康或其他保险,以支付我的孩子可能产生的任何和所有医疗费用, and I agree to assume full responsibility for all expenses not covered by insurance. I acknowledge that health, 事故, or other insurance is my sole responsibility. 我承认所有的事故都是报告的,如果在教室或实验室发生事故或疾病, an ambulance may be called to transport my child to a local emergency room. 营地的所有教室或实验室都配备了急救箱,用于治疗轻伤. I also grant permission to the Camp to use pictures of my child in any format promoting the Camp.


Tobacco Products, Alcohol, Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia:
The use and/or possession of tobacco products, 酒精, 在参加赫尔迪纳建筑交易营时携带毒品或毒品用具是非法的. 怀疑使用或持有任何上述产品将立即报告并转达给家长. 确认使用或拥有任何上述产品的学生将被开除出营. 

出席是必须的. Instructors will be taking attendance each day. Students that miss more than two days of the Camp will not receive their three 大学学分. 因病需要缺勤的, 家庭的功能, 紧急情况下, lack of transportation or another situation that is deemed appropriate by the instructors, it is advisable to contact your instructors or the HBA of F-M prior to the event if possible.

Students need to arrive on time and be ready for the day 之前 上课时间开始.


以下将作为处理夏令营期间可能出现的具体问题的基本指南. Each instructor may put additional rules in place but will follow these basic guidelines. Additional rules will be communicated to the student. Instructors will enforce such rules consistently and fairly with all students.

不听老师讲课, 在夏令营期间捣乱, 上课迟到, 没有穿合适的衣服, 恶意中伤, 参与有害的戏弄或欺凌, and using abusive or foul langu年龄 or obscene gestures will result in disciplinary action.

  1. 第一次出现:口头警告.
  2. Second occurrence or ongoing behavior: Notification to the parents/guardians.
  3. Third occurrence or ongoing behavior: Will be asked to leave and not return. 
  4. 对学校财产的损害, 在工作现场偷窃或不尊重其他学生的财产:学生将被要求立即离开该项目,并可能受到损害赔偿.
  5. 对有伤害意图的教师或学生实施暴力:必须与营地主任会面, 指导员和家长/监护人. 被要求离开这个项目.


As a parent/guardian of a child in the 赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营, I agree to abide by the following rules and expectations:

  1. I will remember that youth are involved in the Camp for their enjoyment, not mine.
  2. 我明白,教会孩子尊重他人,以及如何处理日常的挫折是我的职责.
  3. 我将确保我的孩子准时到达,如果我的孩子迟到或缺席,我会提前联系夏令营主任Brooks Pederson或F-M的HBA.
  4. I will ensure that my child's clothing is appropriate.

I understand that any violation of this code of conduct may result in consequences, 其中可能包括口头警告, 丧失获得奖励的资格(一).e., 大学学分, scholarships or prize giveaways) or dismissal from the 赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营.

  1. 作为赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营的参与者,我同意遵守以下规定. I will be considerate and respectful to all students, instructors and 志愿者.
  2. I will not swear or use abusive langu年龄 in the classroom or on the job site.
  3. 我不喝酒, 烟, 咀嚼烟草, vape, use cannabis or use any other illegal substances.
  4. I will treat all students, instructors, 志愿者 and my parents/guardians with respect.
  5. I will not bully, intimidate or make fun of my fellow classmates.
  6. I will agree to encour年龄 them even when they make mistakes.
  7. 我将尊重我的同学,老师,志愿者在工作现场,设备和财产.
  8. I will use camp tools as intended and not as weapons or to destroy property.
  9. I will not steal or dam年龄 anyone else's property.
  10. 任何种类的武器(包括枪支和刀具)都不允许进入明尼苏达州社区和技术学院校园, 或者参加任何学校批准的活动或营地.
  11. Sexual misconduct/harassment is prohibited on any of the M州 campuses. 我们鼓励营员们尽快向营地主管Brooks Pederson报告任何不当性行为/性骚扰/暴力事件.
  12. 如果我要缺席或迟到,我会提前联系Camp Director Brooks Pederson或F-M的HBA.
  13. 我将尊重为我们制定的规则. I understand that any violation of this code of conduct may result in consequences, 其中可能包括口头警告 or dismissal from the 赫尔迪纳建筑贸易营.
请回答 the following questions to complete your application.

1.Write a paragraph describing your career goals.